• 新闻公告  >  Product Optimisation

21 January 2025,07:28

Product Optimisation新闻公告

PU Social Optimisation Notice

21 January 2025, 07:28

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Dear Valued Client,

We are pleased to announce the launch of MT5 accounts linked to PU Social on 3 February 2025, which will further enhance our competitiveness and provide clients with a wider selection of copy trading platform options.

Please refer to the table below outlining the supporting platform and server information:


  • Currently, PU Prime only supports the PU Prime-Live server for the MT5 platform in PU Social. Please ensure your account is on this specific server to avoid connection issues.

If you have any questions or require any assistance, please contact our Customer Care Team via Live Chat or email: [email protected] or phone +248 437 3105.



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