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About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

FOMC Minutes:  No Light at the End of The Tunnel for Fed

On Wednesday, the U.S Federal Reserve released the minutes for its 13-14 December meeting, revealing a key message coming from committee members to investors: don’t start counting on a dovish pivot just yet.   Quoting from the minutes – “an unwarranted easing in financial conditions, especially if driven by a misperception by the public of theContinue Reading

Understand The Basics Of Contract For Difference (CFD)

Contract For Differences Overview & Examples CFD refers to a financial contract between brokers and traders to pay the price differences in the asset between opening and closing trade. Find out about what CFD is and how it works below. What Is Contract For Differences (CFD) First of all, a contract for difference (CFD) isContinue Reading

2022年PU Prime共斬獲12項國際大獎

在經歷了艱苦但有意義的一年後,PU Prime自豪地宣布,我們在2022年累計獲得了12個行業獎項(見以下完整列表)。 這些獎項來自於全球各種成熟的國際組織,反映了各種標準下的最佳成就,從擁有best affiliate partnership program in Europe (由位於阿聯酋的International Business Magazine頒發)到Best Global Online Broker (由Financial Expo Egypt頒發)這樣更廣泛的成就。 PU Prime衷心的對行業認可表示感謝,並認為這些獎項反映了我們無論是在產品、促銷、技術還是服務方面,都致力於改善客戶體驗,在差價合約和外匯行業內保持領先的努力。 在今年餘下的時間和2023年,客戶可以期待一大批新的改進和促銷活動,包括PU Prime的2023萬個理由活動。2023年有2023萬美元的獎池等待着你,且還有新增產品類別:無無本金交割遠期。 另外,PU Prime在2022年的全球擴張計劃中也取得了重大進展。在印度、印度尼西亞、泰國、土耳其和南非建立了新的辦事處,使PU Prime的全球辦事處數量達到19個。 最重要的是,PU Prime要向其客戶表示衷心的感謝–沒有他們,這一切都不可能實現。 2022年PU Prime所獲獎項 頒獎機構 所獲獎項 The International Business Best Affiliate Partnership Program Europe 2022 The International Business Best Mobile Trading App Europe 2022 Financial Expo Egypt 2022 Best Global OnlineContinue Reading

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