About: lishitong
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Debt-Limit Bill Clears 1st Hurdle

Uncertainty Remains In The Markets As Both Political Parties In The U.S. Continue With Their Discourse Around The Debt Ceiling Issue The bill regarding the U.S. debt limit has successfully cleared its first obstacle at the House Rules Committee, but it now faces another challenge in Congress. Ahead of the bill’s debate in the House,Continue Reading
Optimism Ignites Asian Markets As Debt Ceiling Deal Sparks Risk Appetite

Market participants are now eagerly waiting for the conclusion of a debt ceiling deal in congress Global markets experienced a mixed landscape as Western holidays provided a sense of calm for dollar-related currencies. In contrast, Asian markets saw a surge in positive sentiment, driving the Nikkei index to its highest level in over three decades.Continue Reading
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Written on May 30, 2023 at 3:59 am
Categories: 新闻公告
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