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Written on June 8, 2023 at 7:13 am
Categories: 新闻公告
Is The Fed Going To Raise Interest Rates In June?
Despite the prevailing risk of an economic downturn in Australia, the RBA surprised the market by adding another 25 bps to its interest rate, vowing to bring the inflation rate down to 2%. The Canadian central bank followed the footstep of RBA and added 25 bps to its interest rate, causing the Canadian dollar toContinue Reading
Asian Equities Rise On China Stimulus Package
Additionally, a planned visit by the US Secretary of State has boosted indices like the HSI The Chinese government introduced an economic stimulus package, including lowering their deposit rate as soon as mid-June. Meanwhile, the U.S. Secretary of State has planned to visit China, which may improve the bilateral relationship between the 2 nations. RegionalContinue Reading
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