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About: lishitong

Recent Posts by lishitong

FOMC Minutes Point to Less Hawks Decisions

On Wednesday, 24 November (GMT+2), the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) released the minutes of its 1-2 November meeting. Reflecting statements multiple officials have made over the last several weeks, the meeting summary concluded that a substantial majority of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) agreed it would probably moderate the pace of interest rate hikes.Continue Reading


尊敬的用戶: 您好,為進一步提升PU Prime的競爭力和優化客戶的交易體驗,從2022年11月28日起,所有美股產品的槓桿將進行調整。 調整詳情如下: *所有日期均為GMT+2(MT4/MT5服務器時間) 如果您有任何疑問或需要任何幫助,請通過在線客服、電子郵件[email protected], 或致電+248 4671 948與我們的團隊聯繫。 感謝您的支持! PU Prime團隊

Tencent Wins First Game License in 18 Months

Chinese tech and gaming giant Tencent has been awarded its first license for a video game in 18 months. This comes after the Chinese authorities started its wide-reaching crackdown on big tech companies, implementing legislation like limiting the amount of time children could spend playing games, and freezing the approval of new titles. Beijing hasContinue Reading

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