About: lishitong
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Markets Steady Ahead of NonFarm Payroll.
Most of the asset classes were muted ahead of the Nonfarm Payroll report which will be released today; Markets seemed confused and contradictory between asset classes with the backdrop of high inflation and recession fears. Assets class, including equity markets, the U.S. dollar, gold, stayed flat on Thursday amid directionless trading. On the other hand,Continue Reading
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Written on April 6, 2023 at 7:20 am
Categories: 新闻公告
Nasdaq 100 Enters Bull Market as Fears Over Banking Crisis Ease
On Wednesday, 8 March, the U.S. ADP Nonfarm Employment Change data for February was released, coming in at a lower-than-expected 145,000 against the expected 200,000 and down from January’s figure of an upwardly-revised 261,000. This is the latest in a string of cooling data showing that the Fed’s aggressive tightening regime might finally be takingContinue Reading
Written on April 6, 2023 at 5:58 am
Categories: Weekly Outlook
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