Monthly Archives: June 2024
MT4/MT5 Pro Account Adjustment Notice
Written on June 5, 2024 at 10:30 am, by
Dear Valued Client, PU Prime will implement the following adjustments to all MT4/MT5 Pro accounts starting from 17 June 2024 to enhance competitiveness and improve the trading environment as follows: Adjustment in margin call level threshold and margin stop-out level threshold. Adjustment in leverage for Indices and Oil products. Please refer to the table belowContinue Reading
MT4/MT5 Account Optimisation Notice
Written on June 5, 2024 at 10:04 am, by
Dear Valued Client, PU Prime will implement the following optmisation to all MT4/MT5 accounts starting from 17 June 2024 to enhance competitiveness and improve the trading environment as follows: Optimisation in margin call level threshold and margin stop-out level threshold. Optimisation in leverage for Forex, Oil and Indices. Please refer to the table below accountContinue Reading
MT4/MT5 帳戶優化通知
Written on June 5, 2024 at 9:37 am, by alanzhu
尊敬的用户: 您好,PU Prime 將從2024年6月17日起對所有MT4/MT5帳戶實施以下優化措施,以增強競爭力並改善交易環境: 優化追加保證金水平與保證金止損水平 優化外汇、原油和指数的杠杆率。 帳戶規格優化詳情如下: 產品槓桿優化詳情如下: 重要提示: 若您選擇 1:1000 作為最大帳戶槓桿,當您的帳戶淨值超過 20,000 美元(或其他貨幣等值)時,槓桿將自動調整為 1:500,恕不另行通知。我們建議客戶確保帳戶內有充足的資金,並謹慎交易。 如果您有任何疑問或需要任何幫助,請通過在線客服、電子郵件 或致電+248 4373 105與我們的團隊聯繫。 感謝您的支持! PU Prime團隊