Monthly Archives: January 2023
Adani Hits Back Against Activist Short Sellers Hindenburg

Written on January 30, 2023 at 2:38 am, by lishitong
Indian billionaire Gautam Adani has published a 413-page rebuttal against Hindenburg, which has recently published a report covering extensive allegations, including stock manipulation and accounting fraud, about Adani’s multi-billion-dollar conglomerate. In response, Adani has accused Hindenburg Research of conducting a “calculated securities fraud”, and an attack on India. Adani is now considering legal action againstContinue Reading
Written on January 26, 2023 at 7:59 am, by lishitong
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Will Chinese Demand Overshadow Supply Concerns for Crude?

Written on January 26, 2023 at 3:41 am, by lishitong
A lower-than-expected build in crude oil inventories has seen the commodity trade flat as demand concerns hit the markets. On Wednesday evening, the EIA Crude Oil Inventories was released, showing a build of 522,000 barrels, putting the total inventory at 448.5 million. This is much lower than the forecasted increase of 971,000 barrels and theContinue Reading